Why isn't my ACH payment being withdrawn/processed at the time I submit my order online for pick up?
We have made an update to our system so it no longer processes pick up orders utilizing ACH payment until patients arrive in store, request and finalize any desired order modifications, and the order is marked completed by a budtender.
Enacting this systemic change benefits the following scenarios:
- Adding to the order (new total higher than original total):
- Before: If there is a balance not covered by the original ACH payment – either a secondary ACH payment or another payment method is needed
- After (Now): ACH will only be processed (1) time after all modifications are finalized.
- Subtracting from the order (new total lower than original total):
- Before: If the order total was reduced by removing product, we would need to request a partial ACH refund, which can take minimally 3-5 business days.
- After (Now): ACH will only be processed (1) time after all modifications are finalized.
- Change payment type:
- Before: Not a realistic option other than cancelling the order and resubmitting/rebuilding. It would still require an ACH refund, which can take minimally 3-5 business days.
- After (Now): Simply let the budtender know about wanting to change the payment method.
- Order Not Picked Up (cancelled at end of day):
- Before: Requires an ACH refund, which can take minimally 3-5 business days.
- After (Now): ACH will not be processed at all since the order was never picked up.
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