All of the following Q&A comes directly from Aeropay's Support:
What is Aeropay?
Aeropay is an alternative payments company that allows customers to pay participating businesses directly through a direct bank transfer.
Is there a fee to use Aeropay?
No, there are no fees associated with using Aeropay.
How safe is Aeropay?
Aeropay is a web-based payment solution with added layers of security and compliance for specialized industries. This solution eliminates the need to carry cash or make sure you have the right payment card in your wallet. Simply scan the QR code at participating merchants, link to your bank account and pay.
Because you are able create an account, link to your bank account and pay for your order in under one minute, some wonder, is Aeropay safe?
The answer is yes - Aeropay has bank-level encryption, fraud prevention and risk reduction measures built into every layer.
How secure is Aeropay?
Aeropay is vigilant on security and protecting your data. With the information provided in your short profile (no social security or other sensitive information needed), Aeropay enables a multi-factor authentication (MFA) to make your account even more secure.
The link to your bank, through what is called an “aggregator” is what enables you to be able to send a payment with funds in that account. Thanks to our sophisticated application programming interface (API), Aeropay is able to securely connect people to their banks and their payments to businesses.
Why is Aeropay the only digital payment option at this merchant?
Aeropay is committed to regulatory compliance measures that allow Aeropay to legally facilitate secure, digital payment transfers for companies that formerly could only accept cash.
This requires a commitment to ongoing regulatory compliance checks and navigating a complex financial landscape. We are proud to be a compliant payments provider in every state and every industry we operate in.
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