Understanding the Registry
Understanding Your Orders
Step 1: Log into the Medical Marijuana Use Registry https://mmuregistry.flhealth.gov/.
Step 2: Navigate to the “Your Profile” menu option at the top of the page to view your information.
Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of your profile page to the section that lists your orders.
Each order shows you:
• Order status: Orders are listed as Open, Scheduled, Expired, Completed, or Cancelled.
- Open: Orders from which you can currently purchase medical marijuana.
- Scheduled: Orders that will become Open at a later date.
- Expired: Orders that are past the end date but not all dispensations were made.
- Completed: all dispensations have been made from that Order.
- Cancelled: your physician has cancelled the Order.
• Order Type: Shows type of marijuana recommended by your physician.
• Start dates: The date the Order is open or scheduled to open.
• Placed by: The name of the physician who placed the Order.
• Purchase Device: Shows if you can purchase a delivery device or not. (This is decided by your physician.)
• Days: The number of days your Order is open.
• End Date: The date your Order will expire.
Step 4: Click “Expand” to see the details of your order.
Once the order has been expanded you will find:
• The route your physician has recommended for you to use/take for that type.
• Total Amount Ordered: The total milligrams on the Order.
• Mg Per Day: The total number of milligrams per day your physician recommends.
• Note: Notes from the physician for you or the MMTC.
• Dispensable Amount: Amount remaining available for dispensations.
• Details on all items you have purchased from an MMTC.
For additional information, visit KnowTheFactsMMJ.com
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